Some people say that life doesn’t begin at conception so it’s okay to kill what’s there up to a certain time. So let’s explore that.
When does life begin? Well, the obvious answer to anyone who is honest and follows science is that it begins at conception. The most basic question to ask yourself is “if life doesn’t begin at conception, then when does it begin and why then?” I’ve never heard a sensible answer to that question, because there isn’t one. Only emotional responses. What I hear quite frequently is something like “shut up bigot! It begins when I say it does.” Of course this is evidence that this is a very emotional issue, but for those of us who are looking for the truth, we must put our emotions on the shelf and explore reality. Some say life begins when there is a heartbeat. Some say it begins at the 2nd trimester. Others will say it begins at the 3rd trimester. Still others will say it doesn’t begin until birth. Their problem is that when they are asked “why does life begin then”, there is not a sensible answer. For example, let’s say someone says, “life begins at the beginning of the 2nd trimester. That begs the question of asking what happens between the last second of the 1st trimester and the first second of the 2nd? Did nothing happen in the birthing process before the instant the 2nd trimester begins? Did just “poof” life begin in that one instant from nothing? Does the birthing process of every life advance at the exact same pace for everyone? The challenge for all of us is how do we get past our emotions and even selfishness so we can focus on common sense and science? Good question. If you have the answer, please let me know. Perhaps there are some who can’t get past these things. Why is it so important to get to the truth? Abortion is destructive to the mother and even fatal to the child. Both are victims. Abortion also devalues life and leads to things like child mutilation which is currently going on in America due to people who advocate for sex change operations on children, as well as to child pornography and trafficking. When considering whether to have an abortion or if you know someone who has gone through it, encourage them to contact a pregnancy resource center and/or go to There is help for the wonderful ladies who have dealt with or are currently dealing with this issue. Love and support is available for all who seek it. The next question to tackle is that if we use common sense and acknowledge the fact that life does indeed begin at conception, then is it okay to kill that new life up to a certain age from conception and if so, up to what age and under what circumstances? We will discuss that in the next post. Steve McDaniel, GOP Pct. 3967 Chairman
11/20/2022 abortion pART 1: many people voted based on that issue so let's talk about it if you dare.Read NowMany base their position and even votes about Abortion on emotion and/or peer pressure. What a huge mistake as this issue changes people's lives forever regardless of which decision they make about the issue. So, for anyone whether you currently have a position on this or not and have the courage to challenge your view in a logical and intelligent way, join us as we explore this issue. Let's get past the emotion, name calling, and misinformation. Let's make sure we are on the right and moral side of this issue. I'm willing admit it if I'm wrong. Are you? I am pro-life so if you are on the other side of this issue, please provide me evidence that supports your position. I am looking for evidence to support the pro-choice argument but maybe I am missing something. If so, I want to know about it. You will not be judged or ridiculed in any way. We are always searching for THE truth here, not A truth. We start this with a 2 part discussion from a doctor who once performed abortions and a nurse. Watch the video to see and hear what they have to say about this issue. Steve McDaniel, GOP Pct. 3967 Chairman 11/13/2022 Everyone who voted for Democrats in the 2022 Mid-Term election,voted for the following trend to continue:Read NowSo, if you voted for Democrats, you owe the rest of us some money since they have been in charge of the Presidency and Congress during this time, ...just saying. Humm... so what else did you vote for if you voted for Democrats in 2022? In addition to voting for high inflation to continue, you voted to continue on with high crime rates, more high taxes, more censorship, more regulations, more government indoctrination of our kids, more illegal immigration, more attacks on your freedom and faith, more promotion of immorality, perversion, and wickedness. But don’t take our word for it. Do your own homework. The future of our country depends on it! If you don’t already see this, you wouldn’t believe us anyway. Look at the statistics and compare what they are today to what they were just 2 years ago before the Democrats took over the Federal government. Democrats have controlled the county for a long time so you can go way back to see the long term trend of these things in Dallas county. So although all these things continue to get worse the longer Democrats are in charge, it appears things just haven’t become bad enough yet to wake enough people up yet. History shows that when enough people have had enough of it, they will respond and elect people who will fix it. We were hoping we were already there but based on this election, it doesn’t look like we are quite there yet as Americans will put up with a lot. It’s always easiest to go along with the status quo, and that’s what this election has shown us where the majority of voters are right now in Dallas County. Know that all these things mentioned earlier will continue to get worse in the meantime as long as liberal leaders like what we have now are in charge in Dallas County and in our Federal Government. Hopefully enough people will start paying attention soon and do something about it before we get past the damage of no return. Our mission is to love people and help as many come around to help us get things back on the right track as soon as possible. We love America along with the freedom it brings and believe you do to. Join us in saving it if you haven’t already! 11/10/2022 Republicans make progress Nationally, but the status quo remains in place in dallas county.Read NowDemocrats remain in strong control of Dallas County which means we who love our God, County, State, and Country still have a lot of work to do. We need to listen to those who voted for the people who advance the values that are so contrary to those taught by God and policies that are destroying our freedom, increase crime, and the cost of living.
Rather than criticize those who voted against our traditional values, we need to listen and love on them. We need to engage in conversation that will help us all to learn and line up with the values that draw us all closer to each other, to God, and advance our entire standard of living, freedom and lifestyle. I just came across this message from Paul David Tripp that I think puts everything in perspective extremely well: "Whatever you think about politics and elections, you need this perspective on God’s sovereignty to make sense out of what seems, at times, to make no sense at all: “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1) “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.” (Psalm 22:28) “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings.” (Daniel 2:21) That last verse gives me so much confidence the morning after an election: “He removes kings and sets up kings.” While it comes from a historical narrative many years ago in a distant land, the same God who ruled over Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and Babylon is the same God this morning. He has never changed. His power, authority, and sovereignty have not lessened. Nebuchadnezzar had declared himself the ultimate authority, was obsessed with his own glory, and demanded worship and service rightly due only to God himself. “At the end of twelve months he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, and the king answered and said, “Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?”” (Daniel 4:29-30, ESV) So the King of kings and Lord of lords rose to demonstrate to Nebuchadnezzar, and generations to follow, who was truly sovereign. “While the words were still in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven...” “Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair grew as long as eagles’ feathers, and his nails were like birds’ claws.” (4:33) Nebuchadnezzar only had power by the Lord’s will and under his command. At God’s command, this government official human could be deemed powerless and humiliated in a moment. There is only one who governs the affairs of heaven and earth, who charts the course of history, and by whose will the kingdoms of earth rise and fall—and it is no politician, dictator, CEO billionaire, or celebrity. The picture of God taking Nebuchadnezzar from palace to pasture should come to mind when you’re tempted to give up hope, quit praying, and give way to compromise when it comes to elections or government authority. No human leader has autonomous power. No human leader is the final authority. No human leader has independent rule. The Lord alone is sovereign." Yes, we who value God and liberty still have a lot of work to do but we also need to continue to love those who oppose us for whatever reason, continue to reach out to them, and continue our mission. We must pray more and listen more, as we work harder and smarter for a better Dallas County and America. Beyond that, it's in God's hands. Steve McDaniel GOP Precinct 3967 Chair
Voters overwhelmingly trust Republicans to handle crime over Democrats: Poll. Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts weighs in on the sway inflation can have on the midterms and a recent poll finding voters trust the GOP to handle crime instead of Democrats.
As the Democrat party continues to run on Abortion, we in the Republican party need to be all over that. I still contend that over the next decade or so, our country will become just as appalled that we ever allowed abortion on demand, as we are now appalled that slavery was ever allowed in our country.
When people who are currently on the abortion bandwagon can get past the emotion the abortion industry builds up and begin to see abortion for what it really is and does, the overwhelming number of people will come around. It's never been about women's rights. How could it be considering around half of the people in the womb being aborted are women? What about those women's rights? It's always been about the money abortions produce. Steve McDaniel, GOP Pct. 3967 Chairman |
Steve McDaniel, precinct ChairmanI have lived in this precinct since 1984 and have seen many changes in the area. It is a great neighborhood and it is my goal to help keep it that way. Archives
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