Republicans Don't Solve All Your Problems, But Democrats Cause Many Of Them.
Spiritual Charging Station
Faith Song of the Week
Jehovah Elevation Worship |
Highlights from Bill O'’s No Spin News - February 7, 2025
Mike Benz: “USAID is effectively a rent-a-riot operation. That raises questions about the Black Lives Matter protests.”
Click Here to join the Tucker Carlson Network
![]() Babylon Bee Satire Video of the Week.
Democrats Warn Deportations Will Cause Unemployment For Child Traffickers. |

RINO Angie Chen Button is State Representative for District 112 which includes all but 2 precincts (3962 & 3966) of Rowlett that is in Dallas County.
Already in 2025 she has broken Republican Caucus Rules and voted along with Democrats for Dustin Burrows for Texas House Speaker.
Voted FOR Impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.
She claims to be a Conservative but her voting record shows her at best to be a Moderate.
Rankings from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility came out on July 1, 2023. Angie Chen Button scored a 36 on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. See rankings here.
Most Recent Rankings from Young Conservatives of Texas has her score at 58. See rankings here.
Texas Right to Life Scorecard has her score at 73 in their 2023 Scorecard. See rankings here.
Voted FOR Impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.
She claims to be a Conservative but her voting record shows her at best to be a Moderate.
Rankings from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility came out on July 1, 2023. Angie Chen Button scored a 36 on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. See rankings here.
Most Recent Rankings from Young Conservatives of Texas has her score at 58. See rankings here.
Texas Right to Life Scorecard has her score at 73 in their 2023 Scorecard. See rankings here.
Editors Note:
Angie is a very nice lady who you can warm up to very easily. I doubt you could find a better friend.
That being said, if you are a conservative, she is not going to represent you well in the Texas House. She is however going to do a better job than anyone the Democrats will run against her. Personally, just about every time I ask her to represent me as a conservative on important issues, she will vote the other way.
It looks like she is more interested in getting re-elected by cuddling up with the money broker elites in the "uniparty" than she is in representing her base. So, until we can get a conservative elected to represent us on the Republican side, we have to settle for backing her in the general elections. As someone who would much prefer to have a conservative represent us in our district, I am calling for anyone who is a conservative and will listen to and represent their base, to step up and run against her in the next Primary.
Angie is a very nice lady who you can warm up to very easily. I doubt you could find a better friend.
That being said, if you are a conservative, she is not going to represent you well in the Texas House. She is however going to do a better job than anyone the Democrats will run against her. Personally, just about every time I ask her to represent me as a conservative on important issues, she will vote the other way.
It looks like she is more interested in getting re-elected by cuddling up with the money broker elites in the "uniparty" than she is in representing her base. So, until we can get a conservative elected to represent us on the Republican side, we have to settle for backing her in the general elections. As someone who would much prefer to have a conservative represent us in our district, I am calling for anyone who is a conservative and will listen to and represent their base, to step up and run against her in the next Primary.
Book of the Month February 2025 Is Atheism Dead? by Eric Metaxas
TRUMP's Final Rally & Election Speech, in Grand Rapids, Michigan November 4, 2024 |
In a voice that is by turns witty, muscular, and poetic, Metaxas echoes C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton in cheerfully and logically making his case, along the way presenting breathtaking—and sometimes astonishing—new evidence and arguments against the idea of a Creatorless universe. Taken all together, he shows that much we have assumed about the biggest questions of human existence is in fact dramatically outdated — and is therefore in need of the most urgent reevaluation.
GO HERE to get your copy.
To see prior books of the month,
go to the Resources Page of this website.
To see prior books of the month,
go to the Resources Page of this website.
January 6 "Insurrection" Propaganda Alert!
Some are still calling what happened on January 6th 2021 an "Insurrection" when not a single person was charged with insurrection. So, for thinking people, the obvious question is how could what happened that day have been an insurrection when not a single person was charged with it?
Some are still calling what happened on January 6th 2021 an "Insurrection" when not a single person was charged with insurrection. So, for thinking people, the obvious question is how could what happened that day have been an insurrection when not a single person was charged with it?
2024 Republican National Convention
July 15-19, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
July 15-19, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Includes Pre Conference Coverage. Advance to around 3 hours in to view Conference & Speeches.
Day 1: Make America Wealthy Once Again
Day 2: Make America Safe Once Again
Day 3: Make America Strong Once Again
Day 4: Make America Great Once Again
Join With DCRU!
We're a New Political Action Committee (PAC) Dedicated to Uniting Republicans and Supporting Candidates Running for Office. Go to to learn more. DCRU is brand new and getting started with all of our foundational organization tasks. Founded by Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu, Susan Fountain and Bill Anderton. We're calling on all Dallas County conservatives to join!
Use or Lose Your Rights
Kristen Waggoner At a time many Americans are self-destructing largely due to APATHY. Many freedoms in the United States have fallen under threat. It is important for us to use our rights so that we do not lose them. |
![]() Here is a very important tip on voting. If you are registered to vote and don't vote, you have still voted by essentially casting a partial vote for every candidate and/or issue on the ballot. For example, if two people are running for an office, by not voting you have essentially cast half of a vote for both people. When there are more than two people running for a position, you have diluted your vote even more. If you sincerely don't care how the vote comes out, this is a good strategy. However, if you care about the outcome, then your vote is essential because you can cast a full vote for the person/people and/or issue(s) you care about. Not voting says "I don't care".
Climate The Movie (The Real Truth)
Debunks Global Warming & Net Zero Narratives ![]() Tired of Fake News?
There is a great solution! For accurate news online, check out these sources: |
Go to the "Events" page tab above for information on upcoming events in Rowlett such as the Rowlett Area Republican Women's and Rowlett Republican Men's Club times and location. You are invited be a part of these groups of courageous people who are working to protect your rights, freedom, and the values that made America great! Lightening Strikes Twice
by Pastor Kason Huddleston & Susan Fountain. Go here to read full article about how you can make a difference in our world beginning with your on city! |
TEXAS News, go here: |
CPAC International Summit in DC - June 2024
It' amazing how so many people who claim to be brilliant can't figure out the moral implications of Abortion. It's as simple as this:
1. Science and common sense has proven that life begins at Conception.
2. Choosing to and killing someone else's life is murder.
3. Abortion is choosing to and killing someone else's life; therefore, it is murder.
It's amazing how society has been able to create so much confusion over something so easy to understand.
1. Science and common sense has proven that life begins at Conception.
2. Choosing to and killing someone else's life is murder.
3. Abortion is choosing to and killing someone else's life; therefore, it is murder.
It's amazing how society has been able to create so much confusion over something so easy to understand.
The Death of Compassion for Children. We are being told that if you stand for the protection of our boys and girls who are living in their mothers’ wombs, you can’t get elected to office. Could it be that the ancient pagan tradition of child sacrifice (now called abortion) is still that popular in a era when we all think we are an advanced and enlightened society? We are also being told that if a child is fortunate enough to live long enough to make it out of the womb, there are many who want to see them mutilated to identify with the opposite sex. If these things we are being told are true, why is it that so many people in our society have no compassion for our children as evidenced by so many people being obsessed with abortion and/or child mutilation? What has happened to the soul of our country? -Steve McDaniel |
![]() A Never Before Seen Look At Human Life In The Womb. Science has proven that life begins at conception. Therefore the only thing to discuss on this matter is up to what age past conception is it okay to kill a child. Is it on the child's very first day of life? Is it up to 3 months from conception? Is it up to 7 months? Is it up to a year? Is it up to 5 years? Is it up to 10 years????
There are great resources for those who are considering abortion or are dealing with the consequences. If you need help, considering the following:
To Unite America, D E I must D I E.
DEI has been turning into just another liberal smoke and mirrors campaign where advocates claim the objective is for advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In practice a more accurate meaning of DEI could be Division, Evil, and Insanity.
-Steve McDaniel, Precinct 3967 Chairman
-Steve McDaniel, Precinct 3967 Chairman
For a Free online study of what DEI is all about and it's Marxist Roots,
go through the 3 part series below.
James Lindsay
go through the 3 part series below.
James Lindsay
Session 1: Equity
Session 2: Diversity
Session 3: Inclusion
So how did the Biden/Harris economic plan worked out for us and our National Debt?
(Snapshot taken on August 7, 2024) |
Libs of TikTok Does a Great Job of Exposing Some of the LGBTQ+ & Environmental Activist Wacko's, Crazy Behaviors.
In January of 2020, our national debt was $27,422,900,000,000. Look above at what it was on August 7 of 2024, 3 1/2 years into the Biden/Harris Administration. Can you imagine what would happen if you were this irresponsible with your personal finances. Go Here or click on the image above to see what the national debt is today. |
Go here to witness for yourself the complete and total lunacy these people with crazy ideas are engaged in. Don't judge them. Love and pray for them that they will allow Christ to provide the fulfillment that only He can provide.
These videos are not made up. They are actual videos Libs of TikTok has found and simply reposted of people who are actually doing these things. CAUTION: Be prepared for some very disgusting behavior. If rated, many of these posts would most likely be R rated. Notice the indoctrination that is included in some of these videos as they say and perform acts before children that are totally inappropriate. |
![]() Republican Philosophy vs Democrat Philosophy Lesson 101 Equality is a core principle of the Republican Party. Equity is a core principle of the Democrat Party and represents the "E" part of the DEI Fiasco. So what does Equity mean and how does it compare with Equality? Let's explore these two words you hear a lot in the political world today. Equality vs. Equity. |
ESG EXPOSED - What is it?
ESG is a multi-trillion dollar BOYCOTT of the traditional American way of life, especially the middle and working classes. |
Although we hear these words frequently, only a few understand the difference between them politically, so here it is explained as it pertains to income.
Equality is the belief that everyone should have equal opportunity and be able to benefit from what they earn. Equity is the believe that everyone should have equal outcome.
An example of Equality is that Jim & Sam have equal opportunity for jobs that pay the same. Jim chooses to work hard for 50 hours a week and earns $100,000 in a year. Sam chooses to take an easy job, works 20 hours a week and earns $20,000 in a year. Each person is able to keep what they earn.
An example of Equity is that Jim works hard for 50 hours a week and earns $100,000 in a year. Sam has an easy job, works 20 hours a week and earns $20,000 in a year. Equity is the belief that we should take enough money from Jim and give it to Sam, so that they both end up with same amount of money. This is also known as redistribution of wealth.
Equity is at the very core of what Socialism and Communism is all about. It explains why every time it is tried, only the people in charge have a lot of money and everyone else is poor. People decide, why work hard when I will end up with the same thing anyway? So, with very few working hard to earn a lot of money, overall earnings drop, which in turn causes the baseline to drop very low. That results in everyone becoming poor except those in charge who are benefiting from the taxes you pay or products and services you must buy to survive.
Republicans advocate for Equality whereas Democrats advocate for Equity. Knowing this should help you decide on which team to play on. Which philosophy do you think is most fair, provides the greatest opportunity for us all, and is most beneficial to our society?
Equity represents the "E" in DEI. There are also major problems with the "D" as implemented in the DEI agenda. The "D" is what is used to divide us. It's unbelievable that here in 2024, as educated as Americans are, that anyone who understands DEI could be in favor of it. When it comes to "Diversity Equity and Inclusion" (DEI), don't be fooled by the name.
Equality is the belief that everyone should have equal opportunity and be able to benefit from what they earn. Equity is the believe that everyone should have equal outcome.
An example of Equality is that Jim & Sam have equal opportunity for jobs that pay the same. Jim chooses to work hard for 50 hours a week and earns $100,000 in a year. Sam chooses to take an easy job, works 20 hours a week and earns $20,000 in a year. Each person is able to keep what they earn.
An example of Equity is that Jim works hard for 50 hours a week and earns $100,000 in a year. Sam has an easy job, works 20 hours a week and earns $20,000 in a year. Equity is the belief that we should take enough money from Jim and give it to Sam, so that they both end up with same amount of money. This is also known as redistribution of wealth.
Equity is at the very core of what Socialism and Communism is all about. It explains why every time it is tried, only the people in charge have a lot of money and everyone else is poor. People decide, why work hard when I will end up with the same thing anyway? So, with very few working hard to earn a lot of money, overall earnings drop, which in turn causes the baseline to drop very low. That results in everyone becoming poor except those in charge who are benefiting from the taxes you pay or products and services you must buy to survive.
Republicans advocate for Equality whereas Democrats advocate for Equity. Knowing this should help you decide on which team to play on. Which philosophy do you think is most fair, provides the greatest opportunity for us all, and is most beneficial to our society?
Equity represents the "E" in DEI. There are also major problems with the "D" as implemented in the DEI agenda. The "D" is what is used to divide us. It's unbelievable that here in 2024, as educated as Americans are, that anyone who understands DEI could be in favor of it. When it comes to "Diversity Equity and Inclusion" (DEI), don't be fooled by the name.

Republican Party of Rockwall County Censures
U.S. Senator John Cornyn.
Go here for more details. May 19, 2023
When it comes to race, there is a notable difference philosophically between Republicans and Democrats:
Republicans are color blind. Democrats are blinded by color. |
When you look at the evidence, it's obvious that the Democrat Party is responsible for the worst things that happen to minorities in America today and thrives on stirring up racial division. The Democrat party works hard to keep as many as possible trapped, financially dependent, and therefore enslaved to the government for their entire lives.
With the Democrat Party leadership, it's all about divide and conquer. Republicans are all about helping everyone find freedom from government dependency and instead, prosper without government interference.
We encourage you to watch this 2 part interview by Carl Jackson, of Vince Everett Ellison and his new documentary
"Will You Go To Hell For Me".
With the Democrat Party leadership, it's all about divide and conquer. Republicans are all about helping everyone find freedom from government dependency and instead, prosper without government interference.
We encourage you to watch this 2 part interview by Carl Jackson, of Vince Everett Ellison and his new documentary
"Will You Go To Hell For Me".
Concerned about CLIMATE CHANGE?
Know that the climate has always been changing and will always continue to change. Be aware of anyone who thinks you can change the climate with money, or even human behavior. Anyone who advocates for that is really seeking power for themselves. Just follow the money. If you are really concerned about the climate, you will be much more effective at improving it by going to the one who created climate in the first place. Prayer is much more effective, and free! |
GO HERE to watch the Full Episode.
Dallas County Republican Party WebsiteGo here to stay up on the latest Republican Party Information for Dallas County. |
Get in on all the latest dallas county republican party newsGo here to read the latest Dallas County Republican Party Newsletter. |
Breaking Dallas County Republican Party NewsGo here to stay up to speed with what the leading DCRP news is. |