From May 23rd thru June 10th of this year (2023) I contacted 25 of our Rowlett pastors to find out what they thought about the city promoting the Gay Pride event that it scheduled for June 28th. Not responding was seen as passive and going along with the city promoting this. Selecting the “remaining silent” option in the poll questions assumed passive approval. Some pastors did not complete the poll but contacted me personally, so results are based on the poll and those conversations. The following were the poll questions:
1. Over the last several years, how have you been responding to the City of Rowlett’s promotion of the LGBTQIA+ agenda as they have been lighting up the historic water tower, etc. in their honor?
3. The City of Rowlett has authorized a Gay Pride event for Rowlett in June. What is going to be your response to that and future City of Rowlett promotions of the LGBTQIA+ agenda?
To let the citizens of Rowlett know what our Rowlett pastors think about the city promoting the LBGTQIA+ events each year, what they have done about it in the past, what they are prepared to do about it in the future, and how important this issue is to them.
Hypothesis (expectation):
The vast majority of our pastors will be opposed to this event. All have talked about it with their church body in the past and plan to do so going forward, and many will not only continue to do so, but will also be willing to take this issue to the public square. A few may be passive about it and there could be some in favor of it. Most will want to get their message out to the community and will use this poll to help them with that. There may be a few who will not want to complete the poll. All have a position either in favor or opposed.
25 Rowlett Pastors contacted. They had almost 3 weeks to respond and were sent 2 reminders.
At least 3 are supporting the city promoting the LGBTQ agenda even though there are scriptures throughout the Bible such as what you will find in the first chapter of Romans and 1 Corinthians 6 that warn of serious consequences for engaging in these lifestyles. I was not provided a single verse of scripture from any of these pastors to support their position.
5 expressed an authentic interpretation of the scripture but indicated by their responses that they had rather be associated with those supporting the LGBTQIA+ agenda than to respond to the poll questions.
10 did not respond at all. Since it was clear that a non-response assumed approval of the city’s promotion of this event, the conclusion is that at the very least they had rather be assumed as going along with it, than to respond to the poll. Since these pastors did not respond, I would encourage you to ask your pastor if they received this poll. If so, ask them if they responded to it, and if they did not, ask them why, and where are they on the issue of the city promoting this event?
7 responded to the poll and expressed uncompromising Biblical truth with love and grace and opposition to the city promoting this event. Some showed a willingness to bring their message to the public square and most provided scripture to support their position.
Although these emails were sent only to pastors, I received over 30 bogus survey responses, some of which were way off-color. Therefore, there was an obvious attempt from at least one pastor or those who had access to their email message, to sabotage the study.
I received several threats of legal action from some pastors on both sides of this issue if I mentioned their name and/or the name of their church in this post. This revealed an astonishing amount of desire to avoid transparency among some of our pastors.
We are blessed to have some excellent pastors here in Rowlett. All of them seem to be wonderful people in many ways. Responses couldn’t have been more mixed. Some pastors showed true leadership with truth and love, and some came across as far angrier with me for asking them to present their message to the community about the city promoting the LGBTQ agenda, than they are angry with the city for promoting it.
Many pastors came across as more bothered by the tone of my message than they were by the issue at hand. By some of the responses it appeared they were essentially telling me to shut up and stop asking questions. Based on the responses I received it looks like that although the city has taken sides in favor of the LGBTQIA+ coalition over our pastors, many of our pastors seem to be okay with that.
The message the city is sending by promoting the LGBTQIA+ event to our kids and other citizens is that the lifestyles they advocate for is great and honorable so if you are struggling with your sexual identity, you should seek help from an LGBTQIA+ activist for that. The message is not to seek help and guidance with moral issues from a Rowlett pastor who lovingly holds true to scripture. This is much like what is going on in the City of Dallas and is not working out well for our society.
This event the city of Rowlett is promoting each year is another win for those who are out to destroy our culture and Judeo-Christian values. Much of that responsibility falls on all of us as voters. Only a tiny percentage of Rowlett citizens voted in the last two municipal elections so as citizens we all played some part in this decision. Getting information on the issues and candidates is as easy as going to the website so it's important we all vote and do so wisely. Our pastors greatly influence how many of us vote, or even whether we choose to vote in the first place. So, what else did we learn from our pastors' responses to this study?
Some pastors were passive to the point where they wouldn’t respond to this poll at all. Others are willing to speak up within the safety of their own church and its circle of influence but have been unwilling to take their message out to the public square. A few have shown a willingness to go as far as to redact or ignore portions of scripture if that’s what it takes to advance the LGBTQIA+ agenda. On the other hand, there are some who are actively standing true to Biblical values with courage and lovingly taking Christ message on this issue out into the public square and to our city leaders.
The activists who are promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda are passionate, bold, and very organized. Unless there are more pastors in Rowlett than it appears we have now who will stand for righteousness in our town square and are willing to match the passion, boldness, and organization of the LGBTQIA+ activists, it looks like Christian values will continue to lose ground in the culture war we are engaged in right here in Rowlett.
All our pastors have a very tough job, and we should all be thankful for all the great things they do. It’s a calling that carries tremendous responsibility and although there are many areas where there can be disagreements among themselves, there are other areas like this that those who hold true to scripture should be able to come together on, because scripture is so clear on this issue. Morality is at the very core of our culture war and is far too important to ignore in the public square.
Quote: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” – James 4:17
Why is this so important?
1. Over the last several years, how have you been responding to the City of Rowlett’s promotion of the LGBTQIA+ agenda as they have been lighting up the historic water tower, etc. in their honor?
- Expressed support only through my church.
- Expressed support publicly.
- Have remained publicly silent. (Passive approval)
- Expressed opposition only though my church.
- Expressed opposition publicly.
3. The City of Rowlett has authorized a Gay Pride event for Rowlett in June. What is going to be your response to that and future City of Rowlett promotions of the LGBTQIA+ agenda?
- Express support only through my church.
- Express support publicly.
- Remain silent about it. (Passive approval)
- Express opposition only though my church.
- Express opposition publicly.
To let the citizens of Rowlett know what our Rowlett pastors think about the city promoting the LBGTQIA+ events each year, what they have done about it in the past, what they are prepared to do about it in the future, and how important this issue is to them.
Hypothesis (expectation):
The vast majority of our pastors will be opposed to this event. All have talked about it with their church body in the past and plan to do so going forward, and many will not only continue to do so, but will also be willing to take this issue to the public square. A few may be passive about it and there could be some in favor of it. Most will want to get their message out to the community and will use this poll to help them with that. There may be a few who will not want to complete the poll. All have a position either in favor or opposed.
25 Rowlett Pastors contacted. They had almost 3 weeks to respond and were sent 2 reminders.
At least 3 are supporting the city promoting the LGBTQ agenda even though there are scriptures throughout the Bible such as what you will find in the first chapter of Romans and 1 Corinthians 6 that warn of serious consequences for engaging in these lifestyles. I was not provided a single verse of scripture from any of these pastors to support their position.
5 expressed an authentic interpretation of the scripture but indicated by their responses that they had rather be associated with those supporting the LGBTQIA+ agenda than to respond to the poll questions.
10 did not respond at all. Since it was clear that a non-response assumed approval of the city’s promotion of this event, the conclusion is that at the very least they had rather be assumed as going along with it, than to respond to the poll. Since these pastors did not respond, I would encourage you to ask your pastor if they received this poll. If so, ask them if they responded to it, and if they did not, ask them why, and where are they on the issue of the city promoting this event?
7 responded to the poll and expressed uncompromising Biblical truth with love and grace and opposition to the city promoting this event. Some showed a willingness to bring their message to the public square and most provided scripture to support their position.
Although these emails were sent only to pastors, I received over 30 bogus survey responses, some of which were way off-color. Therefore, there was an obvious attempt from at least one pastor or those who had access to their email message, to sabotage the study.
I received several threats of legal action from some pastors on both sides of this issue if I mentioned their name and/or the name of their church in this post. This revealed an astonishing amount of desire to avoid transparency among some of our pastors.
We are blessed to have some excellent pastors here in Rowlett. All of them seem to be wonderful people in many ways. Responses couldn’t have been more mixed. Some pastors showed true leadership with truth and love, and some came across as far angrier with me for asking them to present their message to the community about the city promoting the LGBTQ agenda, than they are angry with the city for promoting it.
Many pastors came across as more bothered by the tone of my message than they were by the issue at hand. By some of the responses it appeared they were essentially telling me to shut up and stop asking questions. Based on the responses I received it looks like that although the city has taken sides in favor of the LGBTQIA+ coalition over our pastors, many of our pastors seem to be okay with that.
The message the city is sending by promoting the LGBTQIA+ event to our kids and other citizens is that the lifestyles they advocate for is great and honorable so if you are struggling with your sexual identity, you should seek help from an LGBTQIA+ activist for that. The message is not to seek help and guidance with moral issues from a Rowlett pastor who lovingly holds true to scripture. This is much like what is going on in the City of Dallas and is not working out well for our society.
This event the city of Rowlett is promoting each year is another win for those who are out to destroy our culture and Judeo-Christian values. Much of that responsibility falls on all of us as voters. Only a tiny percentage of Rowlett citizens voted in the last two municipal elections so as citizens we all played some part in this decision. Getting information on the issues and candidates is as easy as going to the website so it's important we all vote and do so wisely. Our pastors greatly influence how many of us vote, or even whether we choose to vote in the first place. So, what else did we learn from our pastors' responses to this study?
Some pastors were passive to the point where they wouldn’t respond to this poll at all. Others are willing to speak up within the safety of their own church and its circle of influence but have been unwilling to take their message out to the public square. A few have shown a willingness to go as far as to redact or ignore portions of scripture if that’s what it takes to advance the LGBTQIA+ agenda. On the other hand, there are some who are actively standing true to Biblical values with courage and lovingly taking Christ message on this issue out into the public square and to our city leaders.
The activists who are promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda are passionate, bold, and very organized. Unless there are more pastors in Rowlett than it appears we have now who will stand for righteousness in our town square and are willing to match the passion, boldness, and organization of the LGBTQIA+ activists, it looks like Christian values will continue to lose ground in the culture war we are engaged in right here in Rowlett.
All our pastors have a very tough job, and we should all be thankful for all the great things they do. It’s a calling that carries tremendous responsibility and although there are many areas where there can be disagreements among themselves, there are other areas like this that those who hold true to scripture should be able to come together on, because scripture is so clear on this issue. Morality is at the very core of our culture war and is far too important to ignore in the public square.
Quote: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” – James 4:17
Why is this so important?
- First and foremost, some people are seriously struggling with their sexual identity and the city is encouraging them to listen to what the LGBTQIA+ coalition has to say, rather than to what our pastors who hold true to scripture have to say. This works against the very people the city thinks they are helping and against the way scripture teaches, making things more difficult for pastors who stay true to scripture to help these people.
- People are curious as to what our spiritual leaders in Rowlett think about this and why. This study was designed to answer those questions.
- These issues are at the very core of our culture war and the LGBTQIA+ advocates are in an all-out indoctrination campaign. By the City of Rowlett supporting this event, they are taking sides and helping to advance the LGBTQIA+ agenda.
- One of the messages from the LGBTQIA+ coalition is that instead of lining up your mind with your body, you should line up your body with your mind and if your mind feels it’s necessary, mutilate your body or the body of your child if you think they may have questions about it. (Some have redefined this type of mutilation as “gender affirming care”.) This has led to much of the child mutilation that is taking place in our country today.
- When the city promotes this, it’s not just the adults watching. Our kids are being influenced by this and some who may have never considered the lifestyles the LGBTQIA+ promote are being recruited into it. Many are easily emotionally drawn in. The city should play no part of this indoctrination of our kids.
- An element of the LGBTQIA+ coalition is to encourage men to compete in women’s sports. This hurts women athletes by allowing men who pretend to be women to enter and win competitions that should be reserved strictly for women.
- If that’s not enough, know that the city is participating in a well-orchestrated and long-term attack on our freedom and morality. But don’t take my word for it. GO HERE to read what was read into the Congressional record just over 60 years ago.

If you decide to look at what was entered into this Congressional record, please consider the following points:
Quote: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.” – Edmund Burke.
Call to Action:
Many of us know and love people who are struggling with their sexual identity. You know true love because it includes honesty and grace. For example, if a person is blindly walking down a path that leads over a cliff, who of the following loves them most? Someone who wraps their arm around them, says they love them, and encourages them to keep going down that same path? Or another person who wraps their arm around them, says they love them, warns them about the danger ahead, and offers to help guide them to another path that will lead them safely to their destination? This scenario applies here. Any moral path that is not righteous leads to disaster.
May God richly bless those of our pastors who boldly speak Biblical truth with love and grace to our community. We have some great pastors here in Rowlett who are doing this, so we encourage you to find out where your pastor is on this important subject and ask them if they are among those who are boldly reaching out into the community with Biblical truth and love to our city and citizens who are struggling with these issues. When you find an authentic and courageous pastor like this, lift that pastor up. For all Christians, I would encourage you to pray for them and give them your full support.
We also have wonderful pastors who are equally seeking God’s will but for some reason are coming across as resistant to reaching out to the city and members of the community who are outside the circle of their own church. I would encourage Christians to join them in prayer as they earnestly seek God’s will about what He would have them do in the community about this issue, and if it’s to provide more salt and light in the spirit of love to our city officials and provide more guidance to people in our community who are struggling with these issues, that they would be responsive to that.
Encourage our pastors to reach out to our city council and encourage them to stop taking sides on moral issues. The city should be focused on infrastructure and services only. It most certainly should not be using our tax dollars to weigh in on moral issues. What the city is doing by promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda is divisive and hurts our citizens, especially the very ones they think they are helping. It sends a very destructive message to our youth, encourages child mutilation, and men competing in women’s sports, among other destructive things.
I would also encourage all our citizens to respectfully reach out to the city council and encourage all our city leaders to change the direction from what the city is doing and to support righteousness with love as this is the best way to help those who are struggling with their sexual identity and to protect the values that has made ours the greatest society in history.
The city council can put a stop to the city promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda. The city using our tax dollars to support this is divisive. I am going to be monitoring our city council to see which members support this agenda going forward and will be keeping you informed through the website. There are other issues than this to consider when electing city council members but city council members in favor of the city promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda is seen here as a disqualifying issue for their office.
Originally, I was going to help our citizens more by identifying the pastors contacted and posting their responses. The reason I didn't do that is because there were so few of our pastors who have indicated a desire to reach out into the public square to defend their own Christian values. This is significant because with so few pastors willing to do this, the few who are willing to do so become easy targets for the LGBTQIA+ activists which is a very evil and wicked coalition from which many seem to take great pleasure in being vicious and intimidating. I'm not going to make our most courageous and righteous pastors easy targets for them. Power comes with numbers but right now, the numbers needed of righteous pastors who are willing to step up in our community just aren't there. I encourage each of us to find out from your pastor where he or she is on helping to protect Judeo-Christian values in our community. If you find yours is willing to help, encourage and support them.
This study has made it very clear as to why Christians have been losing the culture war here in Rowlett, but it also provides hope. This office will only support city council candidates who are actively in support of our traditional Judeo-Christian values and are opposed to the city continuing to promote the LGBTQIA+ agenda.
Passivity is the incubator for sin. So, what else can we all do to get back on the right track? GO HERE to check this out:
- Notice that it is not just a random article provided by an activist. It is an official message which has been read into the Congressional Record.
- Notice the date. That it was entered into the record just over 60 years ago.
- As you go through the points, pay attention to how much of it has already been accomplished.
- Pay special attention to points 24 thru 28 and point 40, as these are issues our pastors greatly influence one way or the other, even if they remain silent.
- We should all ask ourselves if we are part of the solution or part of the problem. And either way, to what extent.
Quote: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.” – Edmund Burke.
Call to Action:
Many of us know and love people who are struggling with their sexual identity. You know true love because it includes honesty and grace. For example, if a person is blindly walking down a path that leads over a cliff, who of the following loves them most? Someone who wraps their arm around them, says they love them, and encourages them to keep going down that same path? Or another person who wraps their arm around them, says they love them, warns them about the danger ahead, and offers to help guide them to another path that will lead them safely to their destination? This scenario applies here. Any moral path that is not righteous leads to disaster.
May God richly bless those of our pastors who boldly speak Biblical truth with love and grace to our community. We have some great pastors here in Rowlett who are doing this, so we encourage you to find out where your pastor is on this important subject and ask them if they are among those who are boldly reaching out into the community with Biblical truth and love to our city and citizens who are struggling with these issues. When you find an authentic and courageous pastor like this, lift that pastor up. For all Christians, I would encourage you to pray for them and give them your full support.
We also have wonderful pastors who are equally seeking God’s will but for some reason are coming across as resistant to reaching out to the city and members of the community who are outside the circle of their own church. I would encourage Christians to join them in prayer as they earnestly seek God’s will about what He would have them do in the community about this issue, and if it’s to provide more salt and light in the spirit of love to our city officials and provide more guidance to people in our community who are struggling with these issues, that they would be responsive to that.
Encourage our pastors to reach out to our city council and encourage them to stop taking sides on moral issues. The city should be focused on infrastructure and services only. It most certainly should not be using our tax dollars to weigh in on moral issues. What the city is doing by promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda is divisive and hurts our citizens, especially the very ones they think they are helping. It sends a very destructive message to our youth, encourages child mutilation, and men competing in women’s sports, among other destructive things.
I would also encourage all our citizens to respectfully reach out to the city council and encourage all our city leaders to change the direction from what the city is doing and to support righteousness with love as this is the best way to help those who are struggling with their sexual identity and to protect the values that has made ours the greatest society in history.
The city council can put a stop to the city promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda. The city using our tax dollars to support this is divisive. I am going to be monitoring our city council to see which members support this agenda going forward and will be keeping you informed through the website. There are other issues than this to consider when electing city council members but city council members in favor of the city promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda is seen here as a disqualifying issue for their office.
Originally, I was going to help our citizens more by identifying the pastors contacted and posting their responses. The reason I didn't do that is because there were so few of our pastors who have indicated a desire to reach out into the public square to defend their own Christian values. This is significant because with so few pastors willing to do this, the few who are willing to do so become easy targets for the LGBTQIA+ activists which is a very evil and wicked coalition from which many seem to take great pleasure in being vicious and intimidating. I'm not going to make our most courageous and righteous pastors easy targets for them. Power comes with numbers but right now, the numbers needed of righteous pastors who are willing to step up in our community just aren't there. I encourage each of us to find out from your pastor where he or she is on helping to protect Judeo-Christian values in our community. If you find yours is willing to help, encourage and support them.
This study has made it very clear as to why Christians have been losing the culture war here in Rowlett, but it also provides hope. This office will only support city council candidates who are actively in support of our traditional Judeo-Christian values and are opposed to the city continuing to promote the LGBTQIA+ agenda.
Passivity is the incubator for sin. So, what else can we all do to get back on the right track? GO HERE to check this out:
Rabbi Schneider
We are now so deep into our culture war that the very soul of our country is at stake, and none of us can hide from it anymore. I certainly never wanted to do this study, but we have hit a crisis point and someone needed to do it. This is not a Republican or Democrat cause. This is a moral issue that people many of us know and love are struggling with.
We need more pastors who will take Biblical truth with love and grace out into the town square and encourage our city leaders to stay out of the way. When we are provided with the truth and God’s plan for our lives, then we can all individually decide for ourselves what we are going to do with it. For those who want to follow His plan, then there also needs to be support for those who want that. |
We should all be concerned. Without courageous spiritual leaders like Rabbi Schneider and Dr. Voddie Baucham who are willing to take God’s message on morality out to the public square, our society doesn’t have chance. The America God has favored will soon plunge into the ash heap of history just like all other great powers of the past if we don’t get our morals back on the right track right away, because His favor will be removed If it hasn’t been already. For more guidance on this subject, GO HERE to listen to what Dr. Voddie Baucham has to say. It is a full message on this subject that has withstood the test of time since he delivered it around 10 years ago. It’s much worth listening to for those who want help with this subject. Steve McDaniel Precinct 3967 Chairman |