Rowlett GOP
Upcoming Elections
City of Rowlett
Survey Questions
As a spiritual leader in Rowlett, We want to know what your position is regarding the City of Rowlett promoting the LGBTQIA+ agenda.
Indicates required field
Your Name and Church:
Over the last several years, how have you been responding to the City of Rowlett's promotion of the LGBTQIA+ agenda as they have been lighting up the historic water tower, etc. in their honor?
Expressed support only through my church.
Expressed support publicly.
Have remained publicly silent. (passive approval)
Expressed opposition only through my church.
Expressed opposition publicly.
What if anything have you said or done publicly regarding this issue, and what is the Biblical basis and scripture that validates it. (If no comment, reply "NC")
The City of Rowlett has authorized a Gay Pride event for Rowlett in June. What is going to be your response to that and future City of Rowlett promotions of the LGBTQIA+ agenda?
Express support only through my church.
Express support publicly.
Remain silent about it. (passive approval)
Express opposition only through my church
Express opposition publicly.
What if anything are you going to say or do publicly regarding this issue, and what is the Biblical basis and scripture that validates it? (If no comment, reply "NC".
Upcoming Elections
City of Rowlett
Survey Questions